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My name is Riccardo Magini. I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy taught in English at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bulgaria, with a dissertation in Philosophy of Culture in the consumerist society.
My research includes motifs as symbols, cultural memory, and the consumerist culture. The studies aim to understand the role of the cultural industry in defining and building society through a hermeneutic analysis of cultural production to achieve an interpretative key of the philosophical orientation of contemporary society through the use of cultural memory in the folk narrative for children with the integration of the Artificial Intelligence as a cultural productive phenomenon.
My interests are in the Philosophy of Culture concerning literature as philosophy, hermeneutics, and narration as views of social science, by broadening in the history of science of printing technology and book.
I received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, where I studied Communication Sciences and Modern Philology. In addition, he has some studies in Indo-Tibetan Philosophy and Yoga.